Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Second apocalypse approaching

Somehow it feels like it's been such a long time since I get to come home without any homeworks for the day. Yay! I have time to feed this blog. If it was a goldfish, it should be dead by now. Thank god it isn't. 

CNY is coming in about 4 more days? and then after/during that, there's the second doomsday of the century aka Single's Day aka Valentine's Day. No, I'm not sad being single, in fact I'm loving it :D I mean, you gotta enjoy what you have at the moment cause you'll be busier and poorer when you get a partner right? It's not going to be a lonely 14 February because all my friends except one *ehem* are single. Probably going visiting anyways.

This year itself, some of my friends have asked "Eh, why are you still single?" "When you wanna get a boyfriend?" "What do you look for in a guy?"

Answer to #Q1 : Because I am happy without anyone right now? And also because the guys my age (that I know) are childish.
#Q2 : When I meet someone nice? ;)
#Q3 : Okay. Now, that's a good question that I want to elaborate on.

Well, my immediate response was 
"Someone good la!" 
"What la? How la? -_-"
"Someone good in every aspect la! Appearance, intelligence, personality, etc..."

I mean of course right we all want someone who is good. RIGHT?!! RIGHT?!! First we look at the brains. Of course we all want a smart partner. But obviously, if they're too smart, we'll always be insecure and think we're too stupid for him/her. And then we'll begin to think how he/she will (one fine day) find someone smarter than us and all that crap. Next, face! Hmmm... If you get a bf/gf who is very good looking, you'll feel the say way as mentioned before. Insecure. See? You want someone who is just in the middle. Not too smart, not too dumb, not too hot, not too ugly. 

Somemore, I want a guy who can be my best friend, who tells me everything and anything because that's what you do. I imagined that he (future bf and/or husband) will be the first person I want to tell everything and anything that had happened that day.

Plus! I want someone who can bring out the best in me. I believe that everyone has good and bad in them; it's how much you nurture the good or bad. I hope he will be someone who encourages me to be kind and moulds me into a good and loving person. And of course, I hope I'll learn how to mature or better yet, be matured by that time. Also, someone who doesn't raise their voice on me, and someone who doesn't lie to me, and someone who doesn't get too close to another girl. I'm the easily-get extremely jealous kind of girl, so even talking casually as friends with another girl will make me sad and/or mad. (Depending on my mood) Please read this post, my future bf/husband!

It's impossible to find the perfect one so let's just leave that job to God. We're busy living our lives anyway. We all know how :

That being said, I shall enjoy my single days with my friends while God is up there writing my love story. <3 Amen! Nah! Don't think I'll post anything without including my own photographs. I love myself so I made cookies and ate them :D Enjoy the visuals!

Hello Kitty-shaped almond cookies

Cornflakes cookies

Happy Chinese New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai, and Happy Valentine's Day in advance! :D
*just in case I'm not free to blog. But if I do, the ending of the post will be kinda awkward

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