Monday, December 24, 2012

Early Christmas

Star-less Christmas Tree :(

Christmas is tomorrow but Christmas decos are up even since 2 weeks ago. *sigh* Don't you just love the holidays? Such a pleasure as you walk into a shopping malls adorned with beautiful Christmas trees. Went to Setia City Mall a few times lately and i heard Christmas carols. My face was like this :

2 Tuesdays ago, I learned how to take pictures using a DSLR. Learned how to adjust the ISO, aperture, shutter speed, etc. And what differences it makes if you use high or low shutter speed for example. A friend was so kind to teach me and he has all the kah chang (hokkien for gadgets/gears?). He has a few lenses, like the normal 18-[][]mm lens, macro lens, flash, tripod and i-don't-know-what-else-he-has. 

Mum and dad discouraged me to go into photography because they say that it's an expensive hobby. So true okay? Each accessory is costly and some lenses can even cost more than the camera body. T.T I am S.A.D [Seasonal Affected Disorder from the movie Wild Child]

 A close shot taken by the pro
Realized that my eyes were closed when he took this picture -_-

The shots he took are nice and super clear unlike mine which is all blurry :( After his demo, he handed me his camera. I looked at him blankly cause I have no idea what pictures to take. I refused to take pictures (I felt inferior cause he took so nice pictures on the spot). 

"You have to keep taking pictures to improve. Practice makes perfect. When I first started I also took a lot of bad pictures. Try la don't be shy"

Speaking of photography, he also mentioned that it is the art of telling pictures through your photos.

My first shot - it's as good as a blank sheet of paper. There wasn't anything I was trying to convey

Blur shot :(

I somehow managed to make myself look short and fat. Some talent I have -_-

Was adjusting the ISO

I like this picture cause it has a Christmasy feel to it :)

A very random shot, just pointed and shot. 
The pro says it's nice but I personally didn't really like it

But that is what photography is all about isn't it? Some might like this while some might like that. Photography, like beauty is very subjective. That's probably why I fell in love with photography? No one can tell you that you're wrong.

Love using low aperture. It gives the blurry background to a picture :)

The pro also thought me a new thing, that is to take the picture when you turn in lens (either in to zoom in or out to zoom out). That will result in getting a picture where it focuses on an object. This is very suitable when you have many lights around especially from Christmas trees. 

Tadahh!!! This is what I meant.
[Credit : Pro]

   By the pro

By an amature aka me *first try*

2nd shot

3rd try

Nice right? Nice right?
[Photo courtesy of the pro]
You think I improve so much in a day meh?

This is my level. Fail level *fml*

 I'm trying to focus it on the star

Quite near hor? Okay la right?

Pro's shot

The end. I still have lots of room for improvement. Phew~ *wipes sweat off forehead* 
Thank you so much Pheng Chiang for teaching me and letting me use your camera. Sorry for being such a slow learner and for being so forgetful (I kept asking him the same questions over and over again. Poor thing)
This is the season to be jolly~ Lalalalala lalalala~ Forgive and if possible, forget
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :D

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