Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Hello! Long time no update blogy. So today is the last day of my STPM exam *hurray!!!* (ends so much later for me because I had to retake one paper because I didn't do too well)

I had about 2 weeks between my previous paper and today's paper and as usual, I only started studying last minute. And so there I was rushing this morning and I managed to forget my book. Not that I noticed until I reach the school -_-

 If my book could talk, it'll be like "Tsk tsk tsk"

Selfie with my Table Slip because today is a very eventful day - last paper!

 Mah victory pose because I'm FREEEEEEEE!!!

 You know you're from 4SN1/5SN1 year 2010/2011 when you do the flower pot pose

 Full OOTD without school shoes

Sorry har. Have to bear with me because it's officially last day I'm wearing my school uniform!!! (seriously this is a very long awaited day because on the last day of school in Form 5, I didn't think I have to wear another school uniform for another one and a half years -_-) Not that I absolutely hate wearing uniform. It does have its advantages - you don't have to think about what to wear the next day, and there will be no judging based on your daily outfits.

 My boring hair-do and because it shall be the last time I tie a black ribbon 
(not that it's obvious in the picture)

 Bye bye black hair accessories. I can toss all of you out nao!

Came home from school, took some pictures first, bathed, ate lunch, and proceeded to my computer! :D And then I scrolled my Facebook for a while and then watched a video. [video below] Which made me cry. Awmaigoddddd lost a few grams of salt. 

And then after that I watch an old Korean drama movie (2006 - that's like freaking 7 years ago. I feel so old right now) 200 Pounds Beauty! Click here for the plot in wiki. I've heard about this movie before, that it's very good and blah blah blah. I actually thought it was a drama and no one warned me about this - get loads of tissues ready by your side. I tell you ah, how emo and heartless and mannn you think you are, you confirm cry one! If not, ........ ummm..... I'll.... I'll.... I'll watch it with you. And then I would crai. And then you'll cry along. Because crying is contagious. Like laughter. And yawning. Here's the website I watched it from >>>>

Ending with a picture of me fake crying because I'm not that kind of girl who take selfies with tears streaming down her face.

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